Addison's Adoption Journey

My "Guatemalan Princess"

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Visiting in Guatemala City

We are in Guatemala and it is great!

Mom and I arrived Sunday and they brought Addison here Monday morning. She is a very happy and healthy baby. She is adjusting very well and has slept through the entire night both nights that we have had her! I was amazed!

I bought a stroller that has speakers, which play through the canopy. I have it hooked up to my Ipod. Addison absolutely loves being in the stroller with the music playing. Her favorites so far are the Baby Einstein Classical Music Lullabies and Abba Gold. She gets cranky when the music stops. If she is sleeping she wakes up when the music stops. I see a future band geek in training 8-)

Even though we are unable to leave the hotel, we have managed to find plenty of things to do. We found out from an adoptive father that you can get a massage for $20 an hour! Everday Mom and I have been trading off babysitting while the other gets a massage.

I can't believe how many adoptive families are here.
It is amazing how good, healthy, and happy all of the babies look. It is obvious that they are very well taken care of.

Here are some pictures of our first day here.


At June 22, 2006 6:59 AM, Blogger Maya said...

Addison is so beautiful! I am so happy for you and jealous of the $20 massages!!! Congratulations!


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