Addison's Adoption Journey

My "Guatemalan Princess"

Friday, August 04, 2006

Can you say GOTCHA???

gotcha day n. the day or anniversary of the arrival of an adopted child into the care of an adopting family; less commonly, the day or anniversary of their first meeting or of the adoption becoming official.

We arrived safely in Guatemala City and Addison was brought to us tonight (2 hours late). Mom spent that time twidling her thumbs and pacing the entire lobby floor. She is doing very well with the exception of having a bit of a cold. She went to the doctor this morning and is on Antibiotics, so hopefully everything will be OK.

Addison has a Guatemalan Passoport & birth certificate now with her birth first and middle names and my Last name. (I have to legally change her first name and middle name once we are back in the US.) The passport picture is too cute!!!!

I received the social worker report today and learned a few things about Addison's birth mom. She is 39 (only a month younger than me) and works as a live-in homemaker/nanny. I found out that Addison has one brother that was given up for adoption 7 years ago.


(Monday, August 7th)
After the attorney receives this approval, the adoptive parents and child appear at the US Embassy for final verification, and an embassy official then issues a visa for the child’s entry into the US.

HOME (Wednesday, August 9th)
Travel home with America’s newest Citizen!!!


At August 05, 2006 9:48 PM, Blogger Dominick's Mommy said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is so adorable. Good luck with your Embassy appointment and trip home.


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