Addison's Adoption Journey

My "Guatemalan Princess"

Friday, July 28, 2006

Submitted for PINK

Now that Addison's case is done as far as the Guatemalan government is concerned, the next step is the US. Our case was submitted to the US Embassy Wednesday or Thursday. There is a 48 hour turn around, so it is possible I could have my PINK SLIP by Tuesday. If that happens I will probablly be travelling to Guatemala City by the end of the week! Keep your fingers crossed!

It has been a long wait, but now it seems that everything is turbo charged!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Addison Has My Name!

Addison's Birth Mother has signed off her adoption consent for the 4th and final time and a new Guatemalan Birth Certificate has been issued giving Addison my last name (Her first name had to be legally chaged in the US). She is legally my Daughter under Guatemalan Law. Next is the US!

My case gets submitted to the US Embassy in Guatemala today for a Pink Slip. I should be travelling to get Addison in a couple of weeks.

Monday, July 24, 2006

OUT of PGN !!!

After 104 days in PGN, we are finally out!

The next step is for Addison's Birth Mom to sign off on the adoption one final time and then they issue a new Birth Certificate for her which includes my name. Once this is done, she will be legally my Daughter in the eyes of the Guatemalan government.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

100 Days in PGN

Today marks 100 days since Addison's adoption case entered PGN (Guatemala's equivalent to the Attorney General's Office).

Sunday, July 16, 2006

New Pictures

June 6th Pictures

I received new pictures Addison. The only bad thing is that I received them a month after they were taken , so the pictures that Mom and I took in Guatemala City on our visit trip are more recent. I have posted the rest of them under the timeline in the first blog entry.

July 20th will mark my 100th day in PGN. Hopefully I will be out soon, but you never know. Unfortunately when you are relying on a Foreign Government, you just have to sit back and wait for things to happen. I have been working on my patience, which is very hard for me. Once I finish this step, it should be 2 to 3 weeks before I can make the final trip to get her.