Addison's Adoption Journey

My "Guatemalan Princess"

Monday, August 07, 2006

America's Newest Citizen!

or ........ "America's Newest Spoiled Princess"
(as my Aunt Ginny has affectionately named her.)

Today was Embassy Day! We went to the US embassy in Guatemala City to apply for Addison's Visa. I had prepared a couple of binders worth of paperwork (probably about 500 pages in all). It took me a full 2 days to pull all of it together. I wasn't asked for a single document. Oh well, better to be overprepared!

Addison will be coming home on an IR3 visa, which means that she will be coming to the US as an official US citizen.

We did a Guatemala City tour on the afternoon and saw the Palace and the Cathedral.

Ground Zero

This is the directional starting point for the entire country. Everything is given directionally (North, South, East & West) from this point. It is in front of the Palace in Guatemala City.


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